[1887 – 1963, Argentina]
Alejandro Xul Solar was born Óscar Alejandro Agustín Schulz Solari in 1887, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His father was of German origins born in Latvia and his mother was of Italian extraction. He studied music and architecture, which he did not complete. His art is Expressionist, surrealist, symbolist and modernist and is a unique representative of the vanguard in Latin America. In 1912 he travelled to Europe where he remained till 1924 having lived in Italy, France, England, and Germany. Back in Argentina he took an active part in renovating the design of the publication Martin Fierro for the publishers. He was a friend of Jorge Luis Borges for whom he illustrated several of his works and with whom he shared an interest in authors such as Emanuel Swedenborg, William Blake, Gustav Mayrink and Arthur Schopenhauer. Xul Solar also cooperated with various editorial undertakings, in publications such as Revista Multicolor de los Sábados y Destiempo.
Xul Solar had a broad range of interests such as Astrology, Cabbala, I Ching, philosophy, Oriental ancient religions and beliefs, India, the Americas before colonization, theosophy, and anthroposophy among other branches of learning. Furthermore, he undertook the creation of two artificial languages: neocriollo (a new Creole/native language) and a pan-language. He modified the game of chess to make an improved version which he called pan-chess; he proposed changes to musical sheet and to the keyboard of a piano, he created a puppet show for adults and a Tarot game different to the original version. Xul Solar’s paintings in distinctive colours are full of symbols and reflect he unique vision of the world.
The Foundation Pan Klub Museo Xul Solar is an institution created to conserve and spread the work of the Argentine artist Alejandro Xul Solar. Its purpose is to develop and promote diverse cultural activities.
In 1986, when Micaela (Lita) Cadenas, widow of the artist, and Natalio J. Povarché, Xul Solar’s art dealer, set up the foundation in accordance with the artist’s original plans from the late 1930s for a Pan Klub, they created a space where intellectuals and artists could come together for cultural discussion.
The museum opened its doors for the first time on 13th May 1993. The works on display were chosen personally by Xul Solar for the Pan Klub. These works constitute the permanent collection of the museum, together with other objects, sculptures, and documents from his personal archive. The Foundation is also responsible for maintaining the artist’s home where there is a library with close to 3,500 tomes.
The architecture of the museum building was devised using Xul Solar’s thoughts, ideas and images taken from his artistic work. In the 1998 awards the building was semi-finalist in the Premio Mies van der Rohe for Latin America. The purpose of this award is to bestow a prize on Latin American contemporary architecture and in 2003 the Década prize awarded to the best building, built during 1993 in the city of Buenos Aires.
The Wondrous Realities of Xul Solar, Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino, Houston, TX, USA
Xul Solar, Panactivista, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (MACG), Mexico City, Mexico
Xul-Borges: grafías, Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Museo Municipal Dámaso Arce, Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: un imaginero en el Delta, Museo de Arte Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar and Jorge Luis Borges: The Art of Friendship, Americas Society Art Gallery, New York, NY; Phoenix Art Museum, AZ, USA
Xul Solar, pintura sobre vidrio, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Galería Rubbers Internacional within the framework of Buenos Aires Lírica, Gala Anual, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Homenaje Xul Solar: 1887-1963: 50 años, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: 1993-2013: 20 años, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar - Borges, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, explorador del universo, organized by Galería Rubbers, Palacio Duhau - Park Hyatt, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: Visiones y revelaciones, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), TX, USA; Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico
Xul Solar: tintas 1955, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: Visiones y revelaciones, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) - Colección Costantini, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
Xul Solar, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Xul Solar y sus amigos, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, arquitectura y diseño: 1918-1922, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Xul Solar, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno de Mendoza (MMAMM), Argentina
La Biblioteca de Xul Solar, Museo Xul Solar / Fundación Pan Klub, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paul Klee invita a Xul Solar en El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar. El sol herido, Palacio Episcopal, Málaga, Spain; Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC), Sevilla, Spain
Xul Solar: Works 1916-1963, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Xul Solar, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar - J.L. Borges: Língua e Imagem, Fundacão Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo, Brazil
Xul Solar (1887-1963), La Bienal de Artes Visuales del Mercosur, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar - J.L. Borges: Língua e Imagem, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Xul Solar: the Architectures, Courtauld Institute Galleries, London, UK
Oscar Alejandro Agustín Schulz Solari: Xul Solar 1887-1963, Guillermo de Osma Galería, Madrid, Spain
Xul Solar: A Collector’s Vision, Rachel Adler Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Alejandro Xul Solar (1887-1963), Rachel Adler Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Alejandro Xul Solar (1887-1963), Museo de Arte Americano de Maldonado (MAAM), Uruguay
Xul Solar (1887-1963): obras inéditas, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, 1887-1963: grafías, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Xul Solar (1887-1963), Galería Kramer, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar (1887-1963), Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Exhibition organized within the framework of the XIV General Conference of ICOM, Argentine Association of Art Critics, and Centro de Arte y Comunicación (CAyC), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: témperas/acuarelas, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar 1887-1963, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: obras 1920-1962, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar (1887-1963) Œuvres de 1915 à 1962, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina; FIAC 78, Art Contemporain, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Xul Solar: obras 1919/1962, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar 1887-1963, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
Xul Solar: 1884/1963, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: acuarelas y témperas, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, retrospectiva: obras 1915-1962, Galería Rubbers Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar/Pinturas, Javier Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Homenaje a Xul Solar, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Pettoruti, La Plata, Argentina
Xul Solar: obras 1915/1962, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez, Santa Fe, Argentina
III Bienal Americana de Arte, Exhibition tribute to Xul Solar, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Caraffa (MEC), Córdoba, Argentina
Exhibition of works by Xul Solar, private home of Dr. Kuperman, Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by Delia Bucich, presented by Ricardo Mosquera [Eastman]
Homenaje a Xul Solar: acuarelas, témperas, óleos, Galería Candilejas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exhibition Tribute to Xul Solar presented by Jorge L. Borges, Galería Diálogos, Olivos, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar, Proar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Xul Solar: óleos, Riobóo Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Homenaje a Xul Solar, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pinties y dibujos: A. Xul Solar, Galería Van Riel, Sala V, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exhibition of paintings by A. Xul Solar, Galería Guión, Buenos Aires, Argentina
A. Xul Solar, Galería Samos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exposición Xul Solar, Amigos del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exposición Xul Solar, Amigos del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seventh exhibition, personal exhibition of the sculptor Arturo Martini and the painter Alejandro Xul Solari, Galleria Arte, Milán, Italy
Cancillería Argentina - Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Colección de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia
Fundació Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Spain
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), Argentina
Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires (MAMBA), Argentina
Museo de Arte Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Neuquén (MNBA), Argentina
Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAMRio), Brazil
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), TX, USA
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, NY, USA
Pérez Art Museum (PAMM), Miami, FL, USA
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands