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Art Fairs
Book Presentation and Conversation Graciela Hasper, Karen Marta and Gabriela Rangel
Mariana Camargo and Miguel Angel Ríos In Conversation
Miguel Angel Rojas. Artnet
Gustavo Díaz Artist Talk at The Menil Drawing Institute
Reynier Leyva Novo's Solo Exhbition at the Brownstone Foundation
Clemencia Echeverri at the 2023 EFG Latin America Art Award
María Fernanda Cardoso in DANCING WITH ALL: The Ecology of Empathy at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
Melanie Smith in Locas y Lapas at Bodegón Cultural Los Vilos
Ana Maria Tavares in Cloudwalker at Museum Voorlinden
Carlos Cruz-Diez in El color en movimiento at Centre Pompidou Málaga
Oscar Muñoz in '10 Campus Museums Shine a Spotlight on Democracy'
Melanie Smith in Salt Beyoğlu
Melanie Smith in PROYECTOR 2024 at Espacio Seara
León Ferrari, Graciela Hasper, Pablo Siquier, and Luis Tomasello in Moderno y Metamoderno at Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
Pedro S. de Movellán in Sculpture at The Mount at The Mount
Jorinde Voigt in Jubiläumsausstellung – 5 Jahre Schlossgut Schwante at Schlossgut Schwante
Oscar Muñoz in Necroarchivos de las Americas: An Unrelenting Search for Justice at Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Jorinde Voigt in group exhibition at the St. Regis Hotel during the 60th Venice Biennale
Carlos Cruz-Diez in Headlong into art at Museum Ostwall
Jorinde Voigt in Die Schrift ist weiblich. Bild und Text in der internationalen Kunst at Kunstforum Hermann Stenner
Jorinde Voigt in Switching Views - Jorinde Voigt and the allegory of music at Dresden State Art Collections
Jorinde Voigt in The Apex Is Nothing at Pratt Manhattan Gallery
Jorinde Voigt in Jorinde Voigt & Charlie Stein Recombining Realities at roam projects
Jorinde Voigt in im Atelier Liebermann: Jorinde Voigt – Constant Vision at Max Liebermann Haus
María Fernanda Cardoso in María Fernanda Cardoso: Spiders of Paradise
María Fernanda Cardoso in Northern Alps Art Festival 2024
María Fernanda Cardoso in The De-Centered Gaze. Art and Colonialism in the Thyssen Collections at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
María Fernanda Cardoso in Like New: Recent acquisitions MAC yapang, Museum of Art and Culture yapang
María Fernanda Cardoso in Animal Architecture Collective, residency in Spreepark Artspace
Melanie Smith in El Tiempo en las Cosas III at Museo Amparo
Melanie Smith in Las Paradojas del Internacionalismo Parte II at Museo Tamayo
Sandra Monterroso on view at Denver Art Museum
Sandra Monterroso in Worlds World Worlds at KADIST
Sandra Monterroso in Threads to the South at Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA)
Gabriel de la Mora in El tiempo en las cosas III at Museo Amparo
Liliana Porter in Liliana Porter at Dia Bridgehampton
León Ferrari and Liliana Porter in What the night tells the day at Fundación Proa
See Almost All of the 2024 Venice Biennale in More Than 100 Photos
Liliana Porter in A Female Landscape and the Abstract Gesture at Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Gego in Trailblazing Women Designers in Latin America by MoMA Magazine
Graciela Hasper in Construir, habitar, crear. 10 años de trabajo en comunidad at Fundación Casa Wabi | Colegio de San Ildefonso
María Fernanda Cardoso's Woven Water, Submarine Landscape I, 2003; Butterfly Drawing - Morpho didius III (Peru), 2004; and Butterfly Drawing - Morpho didius VII (Peru), 2004 at Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA)
Maria Fernanda Cardoso in Paving Roads for Latin American Art: The Pioneering Work of Celia Birbragher at Coral Gables Museum
Maria Fernanda Cardoso in Not All That Glitters Is Gold: A Selection of Works by Women Artists in the Mosquera Collection (Part III) at Art@Work
Maria Fernanda Cardoso in La buena vida. Obras de la colección del Banco de la República at Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (MAMM)
Elias Crespin in Chronomorphosis at Bildmuseet at Umeå University
Miguel Ángel Rojas's "David" acquired by and on view at Museo Reina Sofía
Elias Crespin unveils acquisition by Nelson-Atkins Museum
Reynier Leyva Novo in Former Present Today at Blaffer Art Museum
Fanny Sanín and Miguel Ángel Rojas invited to La Biennale di Venezia
Pablo Siquier in Obsceno at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires [MACBA]
Gego, la artista latinoamericana que “midió el infinito”
The ADAA Art Show Is the Sophisticated Aunt of Art Fairs
Gego in Measuring Infinity at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Reynier Leyva Novo at POST Houston
León Ferrari. Recurrencias
Magdalena Fernandez: Siempre Ascendiendo
Oscar Muñoz in "Inside Malba: a tour of the largest museum dedicated to Latin American art in the world"
Elsa Gramcko: The Invisible Plot of Things - Review by Cassie Packard
Gego in "Six Must-See Museum Shows in New York"
María Fernanda Cardoso in RAINBOW. Colors and wonders between myths, arts and science at MUDEC - Museo delle Culture
Liliana Porter awarded the Tomás Francisco Prieto Medal Award, granted by the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda
Reynier Leyva Novo in “Methuselah” at the Phoenix Art Museum
Reynier Leyva Novo in “So it appears” at the Institute for Contemporary Art at Virginia Commonwealth University
Liliana Porter in “Liliana Porter, le jeu de la réalité. Des années 1960 à aujourd'hui” at Les Abattoirs
Gego in "Gego: Drawing in Space at the Guggenheim"
Gego in Measuring Infinity at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Fanny Sanín in "Retelling the Story of Abstract Expressionism Through Women Artists"
Marta Chilindron and Graciela Hasper in "Boom Time for the Arts"
Marta Chilindron and Graciela Hasper commissioned by City of Houston for new site-specific artworks at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH)
Reynier Leyva Novo in Spring Resident Artist Opening Reception and Artist Talk at Artpace
Elsa Gramcko in "The Gap Between Things and Their Names"
Elsa Gramcko, Mercedes Pardo, and Fanny Sanín in "Abstract Expressionism’s forgotten women and their international contemporaries emerge from the shadows"
Marta Chilindron on view at the Hispanic Society Museum and Library, New York, NY in June 2023
Reynier Leyva Novo selected as National Artist in Artpace's Spring 2023 International Artist-in-Residence
Reynier Leyva Novo in "Artpace Announces Spring 2023 International Artists-in-Residence"
Carlos Cruz-Diez in "Houston's historic Big Three Industries building reimagined as midcentury penthouse"
Marco Maggi in "Review: 'Movement: The Legacy of Kineticism' at the Dallas Museum of Art"
Marco Maggi in Movement: The Legacy of Kineticism at the Dallas Museum of Art
Carlos Cruz-Diez in Art in Motion at Springfield Art Museum
Whitechapel Gallery Presents Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction 1940-70
Elsa Gramcko, Mercedes Pardo, and Fanny Sanín in Action, Gesture, Paint Women Artists and Global Abstraction 1940–70 at Whitechapel Gallery
Reynier Leyva Novo in You Know Who You Are: Recent Acquisitions of Cuban Art from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection at El Espacio 23!
Reynier Leyva Novo in Sin Autorización: Contemporary Cuban Art at Wallach Art Gallery
Gego in Gego: Measuring Infinity at Museo Jumex
Liliana Porter awarded Special Mention by Fundación Konex
Julio Le Parc awarded the Diamond Konex Award, Platinum Konex Award, and Merit Diploma by Fundación Konex
Carlos Cruz-Diez in Paris et nulle part ailleurs at Palais de la Porte Durée
Mercedes Pardo, Gego, and Elsa Gramcko in Ellas en lo Abstracto at Galería de Arte Nacional [GAN]
Reynier Leyva Novo in FotoFest Biennial 2022 at Silver Street Studios and Winter Street Studios
Reynier Leyva Novo in 'FotoFest Announces Artists for 2022 Biennial Exhibition' by Glasstire
Reynier Leyva Novo awarded Pommery Prize at The Armory Show 2022
Reynier Leyva Novo awarded Pommery Prize at The Armory Show 2022
Reynier Leyva Novo in Virtual Artist Talk with Guest Curator Olga Viso for Methuselah Launch
Reynier Leyva Novo in Reynier Leyva Novo: Methuselah at El Museo del Barrio
Gego and Jesús Rafael Soto in Enemies of Poetry: Resistance in Latin America at Museo Reina Sofía
Liliana Porter in Once Upon a Time...A Toy Show at Syracuse University
Gabriel de la Mora in 13th Mercosul Biennial at Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul
Oscar Muñoz in Recollections at the Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art, Kennesaw State University
Jorinde Voigt in Polyphone. Polyphonies visuelles et sonores at Musee d’Art et d’Histoire Paul Eluard
Jorinde Voigt in Ortswechsel at Museum Giersch der Goethe-Universität
Jorinde Voigt in Care – Ausstellung. TRANSFORMATIONEN 22 at Cohaus Kloster Schlehdorf
Jorinde Voigt in Seduce Me Paper at Haus des Papiers
Melanie Smith in Sólo lo maravilloso es bello. El surrealismo en diálogo at Museo Boijmans Van Beuningen – México, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes
Fanny Sanín at the Aichi Triennale
Magdalena Fernández in Beyond the Sounds of Silence: Latin-American Artists Connecting Sound, Art, and Society at Lowe Art Museum
Graciela Hasper in Antológica at Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Franklin Rawson
Melanie Smith in TAKE ME TO THE PLACE I LOVE Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea (PAC)
Video Room: Melanie Smith Museum of Art of São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand
Liliana Porter in Catching the Moment: Contemporary Art from the Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison Simmons Collection
Liliana Porter's Untitled (Triangle), 1973 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Liliana Porter in Imaginarios contemporáneos (Vol. II), Colección Museo de Arte de Lima
Liliana Porter in Two Realities at Mead Art Museum, Amherst College
Gabriel de la Mora: The artist is the author who disappears… at Pinacoteca Universitaria
Miguel Angel Ríos in Elsewhere(s): Other worlds, other times, other territories at ANOTHER SPACE
Graciela Hasper in Life in the Abstract Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (MAMBA)
Maria Fernanda Cardoso in María Fernanda Cardoso's On the Origins of Art I and II, 2016 in Curiocity Brisbane World Science Festival
Chromosaturation by Carlos Cruz-Diez
Infinite Bodies: Sandra Monterroso
Gabriel de la Mora in Living Matter: The Preservation of Biological Materials in Contemporary Art
León Ferrari: L’aimable cruauté at Centre Pompidou
María Fernanda Cardoso in the exhibition "Phallus. Norm & Form"
Liliana Porter: Other Situations Book Launch at Museo del Barrio
Art of Dispersion: León Ferrari & Hudinilson Jr.
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Gego. The Architecture of an Artist
Artist Talk: Liliana Porter (virtual)
John Sparagana
Liliana Porter, among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Oscar Muñoz, among others
Miguel Angel Ríos
Julio Le Parc
Gallerist panel featuring Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino partner Allison Ayers
Liliana Porter, among others
Liliana Porter, among others
Miguel Angel Ríos, among others
Alfredo Volpi and Eleonore Koch
Oscar Muñoz, among others
Oscar Muñoz
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Eleonore Koch, and Alfredo Volpi
Magdalena Fernández
Geraldo de Barros, Sérvulo Esmeraldo, León Ferrari, and Abraham Palatnik, among others
Melanie Smith, among others
Melanie Smith, among others
Gabriel de la Mora
León Ferrari, Gabriel de la Mora, Cildo Meireles, Oscar Muñoz, Marie Orensanz, Miguel Angel Ríos, Miguel Ángel Rojas, John Sparagana, and Ana Maria Tavares
Melanie Smith
León Ferrari
Miguel Angel Ríos, among others
Gabriel de la Mora, among others
Oscar Muñoz, among others
León Ferrari, Miguel Angel Ríos, Liliana Porter, Cildo Meireles, and more
Geraldo de Barros, among others
Elias Crespin
Julio Le Parc, among others
Miguel Angel Ríos, among others
Clemencia Echeverri
Elias Crespin
Carlos Cruz-Diez, among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez, among others
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Marco Maggi
Liliana Porter
Liliana Porter among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez, among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Miguel Angel Ríos among others
Liliana Porter among others
Sandra Monterroso among others
Oscar Muñoz
Fanny Sanín
Art Dealers at Home — Houston’s Latin American Art Pioneer Offers a Rare Look at Her Own Treasures
Liliana Porter
Antonio Asis, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Gego, Julio Le Parc, Alejandro Otero, Mercedes Pardo, Francisco Sobrino, Jesús Rafael Soto, and Luis Tomasello
Melanie Smith
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Antonio Asis, Geraldo de Barros, Martha Boto, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Gustavo Díaz, Magdalena Fernández, León Ferrari, Gego, Oscar Muñoz, Alejandro Otero, Julio Le Parc, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Fanny Sanín, Jesús Rafael Soto, Luis Tomasello, Francisco Sobrino, Joaquín Torres-García, and Gregorio Vardanega among others
Gego, Joaquín Torres-García, Fanny Sanín, Carlos Cruz-Diez, among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso among others
Fanny Sanín
León Ferrari
Oscar Muñoz among others
Gabriel de la Mora
Gabriel de la Mora
Graciela Hasper among others
Graciela Hasper
Julio Alpuy
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Liliana Porter among others
Melanie Smith
Marta Chilindrón, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Miguel Angel Ríos, and Jesús Rafael Soto among others
Opening the Door to Art with Maria Ines Sicardi
Pedro S. de Movellán
Melanie Smith among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Gego, Alejandro Otero, Jesús Rafael Soto, and Joaquín Torres-García among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez among others
Jesús Rafael Soto
Julio Le Parc
León Ferrari
GEGO [Gertrud Goldschmidt]
GEGO [Gertrud Goldschmidt]
GEGO [Gertrud Goldschmidt]
Liliana Porter
Liliana Porter
Gregorio Vardanega among others
Liliana Porter
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Marie Orensanz
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Mercedes Pardo
Fanny Sanín
Sandra Monterroso, among others
Julio Le Parc and Jesús Rafael Soto, among others
León Ferrari, Gego, Liliana Porter, and Jesús Rafael Soto
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Ana Maria Tavares
Graciela Hasper and Marie Orensanz among others
Clemencia Echeverri
GEGO [Gertrud Goldschmidt]
Alejandro Otero
Graciela Hasper
Julio Le Parc
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Jesús Rafael Soto, Luis Tomasello among others
Clemencia Echeverri
Carlos Cruz-Diez
León Ferrari, Gego, and Liliana Porter
Marta Chilindrón
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Gego, Alejandro Otero, Jesús Rafael Soto, and Joaquín Torres-García among others
Miguel Angel Rios among others
León Ferrari among others
Antonio Asis and Manuel Espinosa among others
Manuel Espinosa and Luis Tomasello among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso among others
Liliana Porter among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Miguel Angel Ríos
Sérvulo Esmeraldo
Magdalena Fernández
Carlos Cruz-Diez and Sérvulo Esmeraldo, among others
Melanie Smith
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Julio Le Parc and Jesus Rafael Soto, among others
Thomas Glassford among others
Pablo Siquier and Graciela Hasper, among others
Marie Orensanz
Carlos Cruz-Diez
León Ferrari, Liliana Porter, Miguel Angel Ríos among others
Gustavo Díaz
Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Thomas Glassford, Liliana Porter, Marco Maggi, and Gustavo Díaz among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Miguel Angel Ríos
Liliana Porter among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Sérvulo Esmeraldo
Antonio Asis
Dallas Art Fair 2019
Magdalena Fernández
Oscar Muñoz among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso among others
Maria Fernanda Cardoso among others
Pablo Siquier among others
Miguel Angel Ríos
Liliana Porter among others
Liliana Porter
Julio Le Parc
Geraldo de Barros and Liliana Porter among others
Julio Le Parc and Jesús Rafael Soto among others
Liliana Porter
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Gego, Alejandro Otero, Mercedes Pardo, Jesús Rafael Soto among others
Miguel Angel Ríos
Aperio: Music of the Americas - Concert at Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino
Liliana Porter among others
Miguel Angel Ríos
Liliana Porter
Liliana Porter
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Julio Le Parc, and Jesús Rafael Soto among others
Liliana Porter
Miguel Ángel Rojas among others
Miguel Ángel Rojas among
Clemencia Echeverri
Gabriel de la Mora among others
Miguel Angel Ríos
Mercedes Pardo
Maria Fernanda Cardoso among others
Gabriel de la Mora and Liliana Porter among others
Manuel Espinosa
Thomas Glassford
Liliana Porter
Marie Orensanz and Liliana Porter among others
Melanie Smith
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Geraldo de Barros, Martha Boto, Gregorio Vardanega among others
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Larry Bell and Jesús Rafael Soto
Melanie Smith
Marie Orensanz and Liliana Porter among others
Melanie Smith
Maria Fernanda Cardoso and Liliana Porter among others
Oscar Muñoz
León Ferrari
Oscar Muñoz among others
Oscar Muñoz
Dias & Riedweg
Dias & Riedweg
Oscar Muñoz
Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA
León Ferrari, Gabriel de la Mora, Miguel Ángel Rojas, and Miguel Angel Ríos
María Fernanda Cardoso
Pablo Siquier
María Fernanada Cardoso
Dias & Riedweg, León Ferrari, Marco Maggi, Oscar Muñoz, and Marie Orensanz
Marco Maggi
Marie Orensanz
Oscar Muñoz, Miguel Ángel Rojas, and Clemencia Echeverri
León Ferrari
León Ferrari
Liliana Porter and Marie Orensanz among others
Melanie Smith
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Soto, Cruz-Diez, Le Parc, Boto, García-Rossi, Otero, Palatnik, and Vardánega
Liliana Porter
León Ferrari, Gabriel de la Mora, Miguel Ángel Rojas, and Miguel Angel Ríos
Magdalena Fernández
Geraldo de Barros
Fanny Sanín
Miguel Ángel Rojas, Oscar Muñoz, Clemencia Echeverri, and Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Ana Maria Tavares
Clemencia Echeverri
Carlos Cruz Diez
Miguel Angel Ríos
León Ferrari, Gabriel de la Mora, Miguel Ángel Rojas, and Miguel Angel Ríos
León Ferrari, Gabriel de la Mora, Miguel Angel Ríos, and Miguel Angel Rojas
Liliana Porter
Liliana Porter
Miguel Ángel Rojas and María Fernanda Cardoso
Liliana Porter
Melanie Smith
Thomas Glassford, Oscar Muñoz and Miguel Angel Rojas
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Manuel Espinosa, León Ferrari, Gego
Magdalena Fernández
Cruz-Diez, Esmeraldo, Espinosa, Ferrari, Gego, Le Parc, Lizárraga, Otero, Sobrino, Soto, Tomasello
Ana Maria Tavares
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Miguel Angel Rios
Sérvulo Esmeraldo
Miguel Angel Ríos
Gabriel de la Mora
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Pedro Tyler
Dias & Riedweg
Melanie Smith
Melanie Smith
Oscar Muñoz
Manuel Espinosa
Dias & Riedweg
Oscar Muñoz
Liliana Porter
Miguel Angel Ríos
Graciela Hasper
Miguel Angel Ríos
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Thomas Glassford
Melanie Smith, Ana Maria Tavares, and Clarissa Tossin
Marco Maggi
Antonio Asis, Martha Boto, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Jesús Rafael Soto, Gregorio Vardanega
Jesús Rafael Soto, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Julio Le Parc
Carlos Cruz Diez, Martha Boto, Manuel Espinosa, Garcia Rossi, GEGO, Julio Le Parc, Jesús Rafael Soto, Luis Tomasello, Gregorio Vardanega
Jesús Rafael Soto
Blaszko, Cruz-Diez, Espinosa, Ferrari, Gego, Le Parc, Sobrino, Soto, Tomasello
Asis, Boto, Cruz-Diez, Le Parc, Sobrino, Soto, Tomasello
Maria Fernanda Cardoso, Magdalena Fernandez, Oscar Muñoz, Miguel Angel Ríos, Miguel Ángel Rojas
Oscar Muñoz
Joaquín Torres-Garcia
Magdalena Fernández, Marco Maggi, Gabriel de la Mora, Miguel Angel Ríos, Marta Chilindrón, Thomas Glassford
León Ferrari
Oscar Muñoz
León Ferrari
10th Mercosur Biennial
Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Angel Ríos & Miguel Ángel Rojas
Cardoso, Ferrari, Muñoz, Porter, Ríos, Rojas, Smith
Liliana Porter
Clarissa Tossin
Thomas Glassford & Melanie Smith
Cruz-Diez, de la Mora, Espinosa, Ferrari, and Tavares
Miguel Angel Ríos
León Ferrari, Miguel Angel Rojas, Liliana Porter
Ana Maria Tavares
Miguel Angel Ríos
León Ferrari
Manuel Espinosa
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Marco Maggi
Clarissa Tossin
Marco Maggi
Manuel Espinosa
Liliana Porter
Boto, García Rossi, Gego, LeParc, Vardanega
Francisco Sobrino
Marco Maggi
Liliana Porter
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Liliana Porter
León Ferrari
Asis, Cruz-Diez, Ferrari, de la Mora, Sobrino, and Tomasello
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Clarissa Tossin
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Clarissa Tossin
Maggi, de la Mora, Ríos, and Rojas
Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Angel Rojas
Marco Maggi
Clarissa Tossin
Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Angel Rojas
Clarissa Tossin
Melanie Smith
León Ferrari and Gego
Ana Maria Tavares
Asis, Cruz-Diez, Esmeraldo, Espinosa, Ferrari, Sobrino, Soto, Tomasello
Liliana Porter
Gabriel de la Mora
León Ferrari
Graciela Hasper
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Marta Chilindron
Mariano Dal Verme, Thomas Glassford, Miguel Angel Ríos
Gabriel de la Mora
Thomas Glassford
Melanie Smith
Dias & Riedweg
Miguel Angel Rojas
Miguel Angel Rojas
Asis, Cruz-Diez, Espinosa, Ferrari, Glassford, Tomasello
Oscar Muñoz
Chilindron, Dal Verme, Glassford, Paris, Sparagana
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Melanie Smith and Clarissa Tossin
Ana Maria Tavares
Gabriel de la Mora
Miguel Angel Rojas
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Clarissa Tossin
Clarissa Tossin
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Oscar Muñoz
Oscar Muñoz
Clarissa Tossin
Jesús Rafael Soto
Oscar Muñoz
Melanie Smith
Dias & Riedweg
Liliana Porter
Melanie Smith
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Dias & Riedweg
Miguel Angel Rojas
Oscar Muñoz
María Fernanda Cardoso
Muñoz, Ríos, Rojas, and Smith
Miguel Angel Rojas
Ríos, Rojas, Muñoz, Porter, and Smith
Oscar Muñoz
Oscar Muñoz
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Ferrari, Muñoz, Porter, Rojas
Asis, Cruz-Diez, Esmeraldo, Espinosa, Le Parc, Soto, and Tomasello
Liliana Porter
Cardoso, Muñoz, Rojas
Oscar Muñoz
Dal Verme, Ferrari, Hasper, Muñoz, Porter, Ríos, and Siquier
Graciela Hasper
Julio Le Parc
Dias & Riedweg
Asis, Cruz-Diez, Dal Verme, Ferrari, Glassford, de la Mora, Siquier, Tomasello
Miguel Ángel Rojas & Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Ángel Ríos
Thomas Glassford and Melanie Smith
Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Miguel Ángel Ríos
Liliana Porter
Thomas Glassford
Sérvulo Esmeraldo
Oscar Muñoz
Miguel Ángel Rojas
María Fernanda Cardoso
Ana Maria Tavares
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Gabriel de la Mora
Gabriel de la Mora
Miguel Ángel Rojas
Thomas Glassford
Gabriel de la Mora
Gabriel de la Mora
Dias & Riedweg
Oscar Muñoz
Graciela Hasper
Manuel Espinosa
Jesús-Rafael Soto
Oscar Muñoz
Pedro Tyler
Oscar Muñoz
Cruz-Diez, Le Parc, Soto, and Vardanega
Cardoso, Muñoz, Rojas
Oscar Muñoz
Jesús-Rafael Soto
Carlos-Cruz Diez
Thomas Glassford
Gabriel de la Mora
Oscar Muñoz
Gabriel de la Mora
Gabriel de la Mora
Gabriel de la Mora
Maria Fernanda Cardoso
Oscar Muñoz
Marco Maggi
Gabriel de la Mora
Marco Maggi and Gabriel de la Mora
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Carlos Cruz-Diez
Gabriel de la Mora
Liliana Porter
León Ferrari
Oscar Muñoz
Gabriel de la Mora
Marco Maggi
Thomas Glassford