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Jorinde Voigt in Jubiläumsausstellung – 5 Jahre Schlossgut Schwante at Schlossgut Schwante

Jorinde Voigt, Plenar 1, 2024, mirror polished stainless steel, 200 x 190 x 195 cm

In Schwante, Berlin-based artist Jorinde Voigt is presenting the first two sculptures from her latest group of works "Plenar". Voigt has been translating the formal vocabulary of her drawings into sculptural works for several years now. This includes the archetypal form of the torus, of which Voigt uses freely drawn variations as the starting point for her sculptures. In the plenary sculptures (Latin "plenus" means full, complete) made of highly polished stainless steel, Voigt once again experiments with the structural properties of the inside and outside as well as the emptiness and fullness of the torus, transforming them into completeness by means of their inversion and deconstruction. 

On this unique occasion, the artist Jorinde Voigt herself will guide visitors through the anniversary exhibition at Skulpturenpark Schwante.

Jorinde Voigt was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1977. After studying philosophy, sociology and New German Literature, she completed her studies in fine arts as a master student of Katharina Sieverding at the Berlin University of the Arts. Jorinde Voigt became known in particular for her drawings, in which she translates her own perceptual processes in the context of a variety of themes into notations and sign systems reminiscent of diagrams. Her works go beyond the medium of drawing in terms of both form and content. In the course of her career, Voigt has also regularly pursued her artistic approach in other media, including sculpture, collage, design, music and, most recently, painting.