[1915-2014, Argentina/France]
Born to an Italian family in La Plata, a province of Buenos Aires, Luis Tomasello’s first work experience was with his father as a bricklayer, carpenter, and painter. He began taking drawing classes in the evenings as a teenager and attended the Escuela de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón in Buenos Aires from 1932 to 1938. Two years later, he enrolled at the La Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Ernesto de la Cárcova, where he studied until 1944. In the mid-1940s, young artists in Buenos Aires were challenging representational traditions in art; Tomasello met painters Emilio Pettoruti and Carmelo Arden Quin during this time, two important figures in the Argentine avant-garde.
In 1951, Tomasello traveled to Paris for the first time. He relocated permanently to Paris in 1957, joining a large and dynamic expatriate community of Latin American kinetic artists there. Many of these artists began making constructivist abstract work and then shifted to kinetic and optical art in the mid-1950s and early 1960s. Tomasello is internationally known for his Atmospheres chromoplastiques, in which he poses white cubes on a white background to engage with the colors of shadows and reflected light. As well as exhibiting extensively internationally, Tomasello has completed numerous large-scale public art commissions in Argentina, France, Mexico, and the United States. His Chromoplastic Mural (2011) is on view at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Tomasello’s works have been shown in selected exhibitions, including Afterimages: Geometric Abstraction and Perception, Akron Art Museum, Ohio, USA (2021); 12 Latin American Artists Today, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA (1975); Luis Tomasello: Muestra Antologica, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009); Luis Tomasello, Rétrospective 1957-1990, Cercle Noroit, Arras, France (1991); Dynamo: A Century of Light and Motion in Art, 1913-2013, Grand Palais, Paris, France (2013); Konsekvens, Hommage a Olle Baertling (1911-1981), Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden (1981); Lumière et mouvement, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France (1967); Tomasello, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France (1976); Retrospective (1957-1972), Musée des Beaux-Arts, Pau, France (1972); Kinetika, Musée du XXe Siècle, Vienna, Austria (1967); Art d’Amérique Latine 1911-1968, Musée National d’Art Moderne - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (1992); Manifeste, Musée National d’Art Moderne - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (1993); Made in France, Musée National d’Art Moderne - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (1996);
Tomasello y Espinosa: Around the Square,Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires (MACBA), Argentina (2019); Luis Tomasello, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario (MACRO), Argentina (2010); Retrospective (1957 – 1984), Museo de Bellas Artes, Pamplona, Spain, Palacio Municipal de Exposiciones Kiosco Alfonso, A Coruña, Spain, and Sala Parpalló, Valencia, Spain (1986); Retrospective (1957–1984), Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain (1985); The Illusive Eye, El Museo del Barrio, New York City, New York, USA (2016); Lo[s] Cinetico[s], Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Madrid, Spain (2007); Tomasello: Relieves, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1962); Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2002); Luis Tomasello, Museum Haus Ludwig, Saarlouis, Germany (1996); North Looks South: Building the Latinamerican Art Collection,The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Texas, USA (2009); Constructed Dialogues: Concrete, Geometric and Kinetic Art from the Latin American Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Texas, USA (2012); Color into Light, Connecting Currents: Contemporary Art at the Fine Arts Museum Houston in the inaugural installation of the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Texas, USA (2020); The Responsive Eye, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, New York, USA (1965); Paris du monde entier (Artistes étrangers à Paris dans la collection du Centre Georges Pompidou, 1900-2005), The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan (2007); and Contemporary Art in Latin America and Japan, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan (1981).
Tomasello’s works are represented in several major collections including Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; Centre National d’Art Contemporain (CNAC), Paris, France; Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Havana, Cuba; Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris (MAM Paris), France; Musée de Grenoble, France; Musée National d’Art Moderne - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario (MACRO), Argentina; Museo Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (MAMM), Colombia; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Madrid, Spain; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Museum für Konkrete Kunst (MKK), Ingolstadt, Germany; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Texas, USA; Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (mumok), Vienna, Austria; Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, USA; New York University (NYU), New York City, New York, USA; Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and Satoru Sato Art Museum, Tome City, Japan.
Estiu / Summer 2023, Galeria Richard Vanderaa, Catalonia, Spain
Off The Grid: Post-Formal Conceptualism, Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA
Kinetic Art: Past And Present, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
Contrasti: Da Alighiero Boetti a Giuseppe Santomaso, Cortesi Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland
Párizsi Kocka II, Abigail Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
MOUVEMENT | Hommage à Denise René, Centre d’art contemporain Bonisson, Rognes, Aix-en-Provence, France
Repetitions, The Mayor Gallery, London, UK
Manuel Espinosa & Luis Tomasello, Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino, Houston, TX, USA
Light & Darkness, Power Collection, Chau Chak Wing Museum, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia
Synergies: Geometric Art, Doral Contemporary Art Museum (DORCAM), Miami, FL, USA
Glowing Revelations: The Reliefs of Luis Tomasello, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, FL, USA
Afterimages: Geometric Abstraction and Perception, Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH, USA
Group Show: Luis Tomasello, Carlos Medina, and Victor Valera, among others, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, FL, USA
Unframed, Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino, Houston, TX, USA
Color into Light, Connecting Currents: Contemporary Art at the Fine Arts Museum Houston in the inaugural installation of the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, (MFAH), TX, USA
The Grid in Modern Latin American Art, Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino, Houston, TX, USA
Tomasello y Espinosa: Around the Square, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires (MACBA), Argentina
Latin American Works On Paper, The Mayor Gallery, London, UK
Luis Tomasello, Art Basel, The Mayor Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Fruits de la passion, Entrepôt 9, Galerie Barnoud, Quétigny, France
Destination Latin America, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY, USA
40th Anniversary, Twentieth Century Art Collection, 1977-2017, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante (MACA), Spain
F11, Galerie Denise René, Espace Marais, Paris, France
Colori, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy
Luis Tomasello: Six Decades of Reflection, The Mayor Gallery, London, UK; Borzo Modern & Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Luis Tomasello, Artista de la Luz 1915-2014, Obras de la Colección del MACLA, Museu de Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano (MACLA), La Plata, Argentina
Luis Tomasello: Celebrated Artist, Asaso Gallery, PINTA, London, UK
Luis Tomasello, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
Luis Tomasello: Structure Visible et Couleur Réfléchie, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, FL, USA
Luis Tomasello: Vibrations de la Couleur, Galerie Argentine, Paris, France
Luis Tomasello, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
Luis Tomasello, The Mayor Gallery, London, UK
Luis Tomasello: La Luce Lavora Per Me, Kanalidarte Galleria d’arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy
Luis Tomasello, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio A. Caraffa, Cordoba, Argentina
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario (MACRO), Rosario, Argentina
Luis Tomasello, Artista de la Luz, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez, Santa Fe, Argentina
Luis Tomasello and Alicia Penalba, Galería Hoy en el Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Tomasello: Recent Work, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
Luis Tomasello: Muestra Antologica, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina
James Harris Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
Luis Tomasello: La Sustancialidad Intrínsica de la Luz, Casa de las Américas, Galería Latinoamericana, Havana, Cuba
James Harris Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
Luis Tomasello, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
Luis Tomasello, Fundación Federico Jorge Klemm, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Academia Nacional de Bellas-Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Tomasello, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
Muestra Antalógica de Luis Tomasello, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano (MACLA), La Plata, Argentina
Luis Tomasello, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Neuquén, Neuquén, Argentina
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Tomasello, Objets et Atmosphères Chromoplastiques 1960-2000, Galerie Lavignes-Bastille, Paris, France
Luis Tomasello, Galerie Schoeller, Düsseldorf, Germany
Retrospective, Homenaje a Julio Cortázar, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Tomasello, Museum Haus Ludwing, Sarrelouis, Germany
Luis Tomasello, Una Mano Enamorada, Galleria Civica, Palazzo Todeschini, Desenzano del Garda, Italy
Luis Tomasello, Atmosfere Cromoplastiche oggi, Galleria Arte Struktura, Milan, Italy
Luis Tomasello, Gallery K, Washington, D.C., USA
Tomasello, Reliefs, Galerie Convergence, Nantes, France
Luis Tomasello, Rétrospective 1957-1990, Cercle Noroit, Arras, France
Luis Tomasello, Œuvres Anciennes et Récentes, Galerie Carlhian, Paris, France
Galerie Schoeller, Düsseldorf, Germany
Casa de las Américas, Galería Latinoamericana, Havana, Cuba
Galería Casa Fernando Gordillo, Managua, Nicaragua
Luis Tomasello, Œuvres Anciennes et Récentes, Galerie Carlhian, Paris, France
Tomasello, La Galería, Quito, Ecuador
Tomasello, Galerie Simone Signoret, Villefontaine, France
Retrospective (1957 – 1984), Sala Parpallo, Valencia, Spain
Palacio Municipal de Exposiciones Kiosco Alfonso, La Coruña, Spain
Museo de Bellas Artes, Pamplona, Spain
Retrospective (1957–1984), Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain
Palau Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Luis R. Tomasello, Galerie Nouvelles Images, The Hague, The Netherlands
Tomasellos, Reliefs Récents, Galerie Maximilien Guiol, Paris, France
Di Teana et Tomasello, Espace Latino-Américain, Paris, France
Tomasello, Cercle Noroit, Arras, France; Musée Réattu, Arles, France
Galerie Christel, Stockholm, Sweden
Galería Edurne, Pedraza, Spain
Galerie Nouvelles Images, The Hague, The Netherlands
Galerie Interqua, Roermond, The Netherlands
Luis Tomasello, Galerie Latzer, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Tomasello, Vismara Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
Tomasello, opera recenti, Cesarea, Arte Contemporanea, Genova, Italy
Tomasello, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris, France
Les Ateliers du Grand-Hornu, Galerie d’art, Hornu, Belgium
Galerie Nouvelles Images, The Hague, The Netherlands
Galería Mestre Mateo, La Coruña, Spain
Tomasello, recent works, Galerie Denise René, New York, NY, USA
Galerie Françoise Mayer, Brussels, Belgium
Tomasello: Œvres Récentes, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Retrospective (1957-1972), Musée des Beaux Arts, Pau, France
Galerie Denise René/Hans Meyer, Düsseldorf, Germany
Galleria del Cortile, Rome, Italy
Luis Tomasello, David Hendricks Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Tomasello, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Tomasello: Relieves, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis R. Tomasello, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, USA
Arithmeum, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Atelier de Construction Electrique, Charleroi, Belgium
Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF), Paris, France
Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, PA, USA
Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba
Celanese Corporation, New York, NY, USA
Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris, France
Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO), Miami, FL, USA
Design Unit, Chicago, IL, USA
Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain de l’Île-de-France, Le Plateau, France
Fundació Stämpfli, Sitges, Spain
Fundación César Manrique, Teguise, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Fundación Pettoruti, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands
McCrory Corporation, New York, NY, USA
Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne (MAC/VAL), Vitry-sur Seine, France
Musée d’Art et Industrie, Saint-Etienne, France
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris, France
Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint-Étienne, France
Musée de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Pau, France
Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Musée Réattu, Arles, France
Museo Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario (MACRO), Rosario, Argentina
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Latino-Américano (MACLA), La Plata, Argentina
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Alicante, Spain
Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, Bolivar, Venezuela
Museo de Arte Moderno (MAMBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo de Arte Moderno, Medellín, Colombia
Museo de Artes del Siglo XX, Medellín, Colombia
Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA), Santiago, Chile
Museo de Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain
Museo Jesús-Rafael Soto, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Neuquén, Neuquén, Argentina
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Wifredo Lam, Havana, Cuba
Museum for Concrete Art, Ingolstadt, Germany
Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (MUMOK), Vienna, Austria
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Houston, TX, USA
Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany
Muzej Suvremene Umjetnosti (MSU), Zagreb, Croatia
New York University, New York, NY, USA
Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Power Gallery of Contemporary Art, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Satoru Sato Art Museum, Tome, Japan
Städisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA), Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO, USA
Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, Houston, TX, USA
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, USA