[1929-2017, Brazil]
Sculptor, engraver, drafter, and kinetic artist Sérvulo Esmeraldo began his artistic career in the late 1940s in northern Brazil, where he attended the open studio of the Sociedade Cearense de Artes Plásticas (SCAP) in Fortaleza. In 1951, he moved to São Paulo to study architecture, his arrival coinciding fortuitously with the first Bienal de São Paulo. Interested in mathematics, geometry, and physics, Esmeraldo also studied mechanics, electricity, and optics; these studies continued to influence his artistic output.
Like many Latin American artists in the 1950s, Esmeraldo moved to Europe to continue his studies and pursue a career; he lived in France from 1957 to 1977. While there, he worked and lived in close contact with an expatriate Brazilian community of artists, including Vicente do Rego Monteiro, Lygia Clark, Sérgio de Camargo, Franz Krajcberg, Arthur Luiz Piza, Flávio-Shiró, and Rossini Peres. He took classes in printmaking at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and learned metal engraving in the studio of Johnny Friedlaender. During his first years in France, he also made weekly visits to the Bibliothèque nationale de France, where he studied prints by Albrecht Dürer. In 1959, he was invited to participate in the fifth Bienal de São Paulo, marking the growing recognition of his work. He simultaneously pursued commercial work designing book covers, magazine illustrations, and record album covers.
In the early 1960s, Esmeraldo began making paintings and art objects he called Excitables, works which were activated by the static electricity from the viewer’s touch. “Charges run through them,” he noted, “jumping from element to element, modifying the structure of the composition.” Upon his return to Brazil in 1977, Esmeraldo started making public art projects. He organized two international exhibitions of ephemeral sculptures in 1986 and 1991, in which he invited artists from around the world to send designs for sculptures to be completed and installed by preparators in his hometown of Ceará, Brazil.
The exhibitions were unprecedented events in the history of public art production. Throughout Esmeraldo’s work—whether in printmaking, sculpture, or kinetic projects—a close observation of nature underpins his constructions. He returns consistently to the idea of line as an abstract value.
Esmeraldo’s works have been shown in numerous important solo exhibitions, including Sérvulo Esmeraldo, die europäischen Jahre 1957-1975, Beurret & Bailly, Basel, Switzerland (2016); 1ª Bienal de Artes do Cariri, Crato, Brazil (2001); Centro Cultural da Abolição, Fortaleza, Brazil (1999); Sérvulo Esmeraldo por Mota Machado, Obras de 40 años, Dragão do Mar Centro de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil (2008); O Crato no Mundo, Festival Sérvulo Esmeraldo 91 (FSE91), Instituto Sérvulo Esmeraldo and Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Crato, Brazil (2021); Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Linguagens Múltiplas, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea (IAC), São Paulo, Brazil (2019); Pulsations/Pulsações do Arquivo Vivo de Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Instituto Ling, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2017); Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Les Excitables, Festival @rt Outsiders 2010, Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP), Paris, France (2010); Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM-Bahia), Salvador, Brazil (1962); Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM), Brazil (1957); Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1988); and Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (2011).
Esmeraldo’s works are represented in several major collections including Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Collections Publiques du Gouvernement Français, Paris, France; Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC-USP), Brazil; Museu de Arte da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil; Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), Brazil; Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy; and Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil.
Sérvulo Esmeraldo – Linha e Luz, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo por Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Colecionador de Imagens, Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Sempre, Instituto Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Festival Sérvulo Esmeraldo 91, Instituto Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: 90+2, Pinakotheke São Paulo, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Jour avec le Cercle, Galeria Kogan Amaro, Zürich, Switzerland
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Linguagens Múltiplas, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea (IAC), São Paulo, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Artista Homenageado Maloca Dragão 2018, MAC CE, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil
A Intenção e o Gesto, Projeto Arte e Indústria, Artista Homenageado 6ª.
Edição do Prêmio CNI SESI SENAI Marcantonio Vilaça para las Artes Plásticas, MuBE, São Paulo; Espacio Cultural Marcantonio Vilaça do TCU, Brazil; Museu da Indústria e MAC CE, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil; Museu Histórico Nacional, Rio de Janeiro; MASC, Florianópolis, Brazil
Pusations Pulsações do Arquivo Vivo de Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea, Instituto Ling, Galeria Instituto Ling, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Objetos Nômades, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, die europäischen Jahre 1957-1975, Beurret & Bailly, Basel, Switzerland
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Alinha, a luz, o Crato, Urca Campus Pimenta, Encosta do Seminario, Crato, Ceará, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo Esculturas e Relevos, Galeria de arte Murilo Castro, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA; Frieze Masters Spotlight section, London, UK
Traço, Volume, Espaço, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
É pericoloso sporgersi, Amazém da Cultura, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Paulo Darzé Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
O Arquivo Vivo de Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea (IAC), São Paulo, Brazil
Pinturas, Desenhos, Gravuras, Esculturas, Objetos e Excitáveis, Pinakotheke Cultural, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo: Luz, Palácio da Abolição, Fortaleza, Brazil
Simples como um triângulo, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, (Retrospective), Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil
Ocupação de Espaço, Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo, Les Excitables, Art Outsiders, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
Correspondência, Centro Cultural dos Correios, with Alex Nicolaeff, Fortaleza, Brazil
Sérvulo Esmeraldo por Mota Machado, Obras de 40 anos, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil
Excitables, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, TX, USA
Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil
Programa Caixa de Adoção de Entidades Culturais, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Galeria Antônio Bandeira, Fortaleza, Brazil
1st Bienal de Artes do Cairi, Galeria do Sesc, Crato, Brazil
Múltipla Galeria de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro Cultural do Abolição, Salão de Abril, Fortaleza, Brazil
Tríade Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Galeria Paulo Figueredo, São Paulo, Brazil
Trajetória, Gravuras 1949/1987, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (MNBA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil
Galeria Klee, Escritório de Arte Orlando Bessa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gravuras 1949/1987, Museu de Arte da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Esmeraldo/Krajcberg, ARTE Galeria, Fortaleza, Brazil
Skultura Galeria de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil
Retrospective, 1947-1985, ARTE Galeria, Fortaleza, Brazil
Skultura Galeria de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil
Galeria Aktuell, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jornal “O Povo”, Centro de Convenções, Fortaleza, Brazil
Galeria Ignez Fiuza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Centro Venezolano de Cultura, Bogotá, Colombia
Hotel Quatro Rodas, São Luís, Brazil
Sociedade de Cultura Artística, Crato, Brazil
Galeria Memória, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Gatsby, Arte, Recife, Brazil
Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gabinete de Artes Gráficas, São Paulo, Brazil
White Gallery, Lutry, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galerie Paul Bruck, Luxembourg
Galeria Ignez Fiuza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Gabinete de Artes Gráficas, São Paulo, Brazil
Correio Braziliense, Hotel Nacional, Brasilia, Brazil
Galerie Sanguine, Collioure, France
Galeria Ignez Fiuza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Galerie La Pochade, Paris, France
White Gallery, Lutry, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galerie La Pierre de Lune, Canet-Plage, France
Galerie 32, Lyon, France
Galerie Cosme Velho, São Paulo, Brazil
Galerie Maurice Bridel, Lausanne, Switzerland
Museu de Arte da Universidade do Ceará (MAUC), Fortaleza, Brazil
Galeria Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Associação dos Amigos do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM), Brazil
Galeria A Gravura, Lisbon, Portugal
Galeria Ítalo-Brasiliano, Milan, Italy
Festival de Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal (Guest artist)
Galerie Nouvelle Gravure, Paris, France
Galerie Il Canale, Venice, Italy
Galerie Maurice Bridel, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galeria Relevo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Galeria de Arte de Recife, Recife, Brazil
Museu de Arte da Universidade do Ceará (MAUC), Fortaleza, Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM), Salvador, Brazil
Centro de Artes, Ciências e Letras, Campinas, Brazil
Galerie Maurice Bridel, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galeria Lemac, Recife, Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM), Brazil
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Clube dos Artistas, São Paulo, Brazil
Sociedade de Cultura Artística do Crato, Brazil
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Biblioteca Estadual de São Paulo, Brazil
Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Biblioteca Pública de São Paulo, Brazil
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Cabinet des Estampes, Paris, France
Bolsa de Valores Regional, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO), Miami, FL, USA
Cincinnati Art Museum, OH, USA
Collection Oboé Cultural, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Collections Publiques du Gouvernement Français, Paris, France
Espace de L’Art Concret, Donation Albers-Honneger, Mouans-Sartoux, France
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal
Fundação Edson Queiroz, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Governo do Estado do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Graphic studio, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint Étienne, France
Musée Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
Museo de Arte de La Habana, Havana, Cuba
Museo de la Solidaridad Fundación Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile
Museu da Gravura de Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea de São Paulo, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil
Museu de Arte da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Museu de Arte de Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM), Salvador, Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM), Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM), Brazil
Museu de Arte Vicente Leite, Crato, Brazil
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro (MNBA), Brazil
Museu Oscar Niemeyer (MON), Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia
NovoMuseu, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy
Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza, Brazil
Secretaria da Cultura do Estado do Ceará, Centro de artes visuais Raimundo Cela, Fortaleza, Brazil